Impelx has built-in workflow options saves you time, money, and frustration.

Capturing project member comments and responses is easy as a mouse click. The best part is that it is all in the same place so no digging in folders or email inboxes to find what you are looking for.


Consolidated review and approval process make easy work

Right from the Dashboard, you can understand and review quickly all that has been submitted to you for approval.

Wizard-like workflow guides a user with ease through each record one at a time or in groups.


An all inclusive approval process, including your customers

It’s built in. Submit one, some, or all content for a project through an engaging and trackable approval process.

At a single content level, you can see who has responded and who hasn’t, track and respond to questions during the approval process, and separate distinct groups of approvers for multiple levels of approvals.


Activity tracking


Issues and risks management